
Eavesdropping on Bluetooth headsets with Linux

Few users realize that Bluetooth headsets can be exploited granting a remote attacker the ability to record and inject audio through the headset while the device is not in an active call. SANS Institute author and senior instructor Joshua Wright demonstrates.

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Linux: Clean Duplicate Files with FSlint

We all eventually accumulate "lint" on our computers whether it's in the form of empty directories, duplicate files, or temporary files. FSlint (Linux only) serves as a virtual lint trap that lets you remove specific types of lint to keep our Linux installation humming along.

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Make Huge, High-Quality Photo Mosaics in Linux

The fsckin w/ linux blog points Linux users to a really cool tool that creates detailed (and extremely huge) photo mosaics out of your own pictures. All that's required is a folder full of pictures, a free command line tool named metapixel and, well, enough memory to process and open the output picture

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